George S Ellis, Jr. M.D.

George S Ellis, Jr. MD is an ophthalmologist who specializes in Pediatric Eye Diseases and Adult Strabismus practicing in the Greater New Orleans area since 1983. Dr. Ellis graduated from Tulane Medical School and completed a residency in Ophthalmology at the Duke University Eye Center. He also completed his fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus at Duke University – Wadsworth Eye Center in North Carolina. In 1995, after 12 years on full time faculties at the LSU Eye Center and the Tulane University Department of Ophthalmology, he assumed the Directorship of Ophthalmology at Children’s Hospital New Orleans which he led for over 25 years.

Dr Ellis has special interest in infant vision testing and, in the diagnosis and treatment of Droopy Eye Lids (Ptosis), Crossed Eyes (Strabismus), Lazy Eye (Amblyopia), and Blocked Tear Ducts (Lachrymal Obstruction). He enjoys the training of residents and students, both Medical and Orthoptic. In recognition of his contributions to both Tulane and LSU Medical Schools, he holds the rank of Clinical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Pediatrics.

Dr Ellis and his wife, Kelley Hunter Ellis, have two children and 6 grandchildren.

They live in New Orleans with their two dogs: Figi, and Baer
